Interfaith Latin interactions are growing, as more people of varying theological ideas and faith practices find ways to support one another’s spiritual/religious methods. Although this can be challenging, through regular, open conversation, many couples learn how to honor and celebrate each other’s religious/spiritual values.

Additionally, these interracial couples frequently have to deal with the difficulties of integrating their families into this new way of life. This can include addressing the expectations of parents and extended family members, especially grandparents, who may not agree with the intermarriage. Additionally, it might be a step toward educating kids about the differences between their cultures and religions.

This article, which is grounded in Latina feminist theology, explores commonly applicable notions of spirituality and provides specifics findings from a brand-new questionnaire review conducted among Latinas in Muelle Pudiente plus the all of Us mainland. Findings confirm that spiritual practices for many Latinas/os help them connect with The Lord through their special relationships with friends and family, mother nature, and community, and that a sense of God’s presence helps them overcome both personal and familial difficulties as well as work for social change.

Additionally, research suggests that the enduring cultural values of familismo and personalismo latina wife serve as contexts for spiritual viewpoints that are unconstrained by Catholic Church norms. This enables Latinas/os to form connections with deities like Jesus, the Virgin Mobile Mary, and the Virgin of guadalupe. Through music, dance, and other cultural rituals, they can also make connections between the Sacred and the Secular.

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